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Entertaining and informative lectures packed with illustrative stories and beautiful photography to advance the art and appreciation of quilting


The History and Mystery of Baltimore Album Quilts


The history of Baltimore Album quilts is a fascinating journey into an America headed for the Civil War. Discover how the industrial revolution, the struggle over slavery and the social and moral climate of the time contributed to this beautiful art form. Through stories, Jaimie will explore how the demise of Baltimore Album quilts leads us into the hearts and minds of the women who made them, and find out how a pregnancy, a Christmas gift and a quilt class gone horribly wrong helps to explain the mystery behind why these quilts disappeared almost overnight. It’s a funny, provocative and insightful look into some of America’s most beautiful treasures.

Length - 1 hour

How to Build a Landscape Quilt from the Ground Up

(If You Don’t Know How to Draw)


Have you ever wanted to make a landscape quilt but thought it was out of your reach? Join Jaimie for an insightful look at how to create a one-of-a-kind quilt even if you’ve never thought of yourself as an artist. Follow along as she shows you how she uses Google Images, a copier and a light box to “build” a pattern and enjoy lighthearted stories of her less-than-successful landscapes and the principles for success she discovered along the way.

Length - 1 hour

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Lecture Fees

I am available to present my lectures both live and online for guilds and groups. My lecture fees are the same for both in-person and online engagements as the content in both formats is the same. The lecture fee is $450.

 About Jaimie’s Lectures

Lectures are presented in Microsoft PowerPoint format. In addition to a Baltimore Album Quilt, a collection of blocks will be available for show in the History and Mystery of Baltimore Album Quilts lecture.

View a PDF of the Virtual Lecture Contract

View a PDF of the In-Person Lecture Contract

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In-Person and Online Workshops

I am currently scheduling online lectures and workshops. Any in-person events scheduled for 2021 will be contingent on local and/or national conditions related to COVID-19. Scheduled in-person engagements will include a back-up option for online presentation and/or rescheduling.

Please contact me to learn more about my online lecture policies.

Requirements for all lectures:

  • Quilt rack to display quilts vertically

  • Screen or wall for projection

  • Two tables (1 for projector and laptop, 1 for display)

  • Three-prong extension cord